Our consultation services will save you money and time.

How can consultation save you money?
There is so much misinformation and overpriced equipment that won’t deliver improved performance. We can speed you past all that confusion and point you in the right direction.
We’ve been working in the audio industry for decades and know how to find the right gear, at an amazing price, and how to set it up properly so you get the best results from it. We enjoy helping people in any and all fields of the audio world.
We can help you:
• Set up an amazing project or pro studio
• Create a fantastic home theater or screening room
• Install a sound system for a club, commercial, or business application

We can help you get excellent results.
Plus, we can work at almost any price range.
We are also highly skilled at helping with technical issues.
Over the years we have sped hundreds of happy clients past years of learning the slow, painful, and expensive way. Plus we’ll help you avoid the misleading (and expensive) hype that’s found everywhere in the audio industry.
The cost of high-quality technology has come down considerably in the last 10-15 years. Don’t spend money on items that won’t improve your results.

Did you know one of the best pair of speakers on the market costs around $260 for a pair!?
Our lead trainer is a highly respected speaker designer and acoustician, and we have measured these speakers in his lab.
Did you know you should never ever have two pairs of speakers next to each other, or that just positioning a speaker right can increase it’s performance by 50% or more?
We have detailed information on how to fix this which will make mixing much easier, and make your home theater sound far better.

Did you know expensive cables are, in general, a huge waste of money?
This is easy to measure and is scientifically provable. One client of ours was about to spend $5,000 on cables for his systems. We got that price down to $750 and we are positive the quality is as good if not better.
We can help you with these kind of recommendations and our suppliers have excellent prices.

Contact Info
We can work with almost any budget, and are happy to help point you in the right direction on simple issues.
Feel free to contact us to see if we can help.